What is a CBC Blood Test?

When people visit Hermon Healthcare Diagnostic Labs requesting a full body checkup, one of the tests that we recommend for them is the CBC Blood test. A CBC blood test? Yes. What is a CBC blood test? That’s what this article seeks to address.

What is Blood?

Blood is a thick red liquid that flows around the body. It carries oxygen, nutrients, and other materials to every nook and cranny, making sure everything runs smoothly. Think of blood as the delivery system of the body. As soon as food, medicine or oxygen enters the blood, the blood shares it around the body.

What is a CBC blood test?

A CBC (complete blood count), or FBC (full blood count), is a test that tells us about the different cells in your blood. It shows the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets, as well as the amount of hemoglobin and hematocrit.

Why Do We Take CBC Tests?

A CBC test can tell both you and your healthcare provider a lot about your health. It can offer insight on:

  • Your General Health: Offers insights into your overall well-being.
  • Detecting Anemia: Check your red blood cells for signs of anemia.
  • Infections or Diseases: White blood cells reveal if your body’s fighting something off.

How Do We Conduct a CBC Test?

Getting your CBC checked is a breeze. We usually take a small sample of your blood, often from your arm. The blood is then sent to our team of laboratory scientists for proper analysis in the lab.

How to Read CBC Test Results

So, you got your CBC report, and it looks like a data sheet. Here’s a quick guide:

Red Blood Cells (RBCs):

RBCs are the part of your blood that carries oxygen. If their numbers are low then it could indicate anemia or some other illness. If the number of RBCs is normal then there’s nothing to worry about.

A high RBC count on the other hand might mean something’s up with your health. Sometimes, lifestyle or health habits can be the cause. Such reasons include heart issues, polycythemia vera, kidney tumors, smoking, etc.

White Blood Cells (WBC):

WBCs are the cells in your blood that help to fight infections. A high WBC count could mean the body is fighting an infection thus you’ll need to eliminate it. A low WBC count on the other hand means that your immune system is down and is not capable of fighting infections.


Platelets are the part of your blood that helps injuries heal. They do this by blocking off points of injury and stopping blood flow. A low platelet count might lead to an inability to heal from injuries and a high platelet count could lead to a stroke (CVA).

Uses of the Knowledge of a CBC Test Result

Knowing your CBC isn’t just numbers; it’s practical knowledge that:

  • Guides Treatment Plans: Helps doctors tailor treatments.
  • Health Monitoring: Keeps tabs on your blood’s vital components.


When it comes to health, a CBC blood test is one sure way of revealing your health status. So, this is one test you should take regularly even when you seem healthy. Be proactive with your health and help us serve you.


1 thought on “What is a CBC Blood Test?”

  1. Pingback: Leuko-What? Demystifying Leukopenia, the Low White Blood Cell Count - Shabach Hospital

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